Somalia Protection Cluster 2024 Response Strategy


In 2024, the Protection Cluster in Somalia will continue to engage in dialogue with protection partners, conflict-affected communities, to ensure their participation in the protection response and their feedback in reaching the most vulnerable and in need, as well as local authorities to adjust the response to changing needs and programmatic exigencies. In this regard, the Cluster will ensure core protection principles and adherence to protection standards; inclusion of diverse populations in protection programs; the do no harm approach; and the centrality of protection.

The protection response plan for 2024 is anchored on four strategic pillars: protection of civilians, response prioritization, integrated approaches across sectors, and operationalization of frontline protection responses. With each of these pillars, the protection clusters seek to not end up in a siloed response but to represent an added value to the inter-sectoral coordination and response and, thus, to the centrality of protection across the humanitarian response in Somalia.