Protection Cluster South Sudan Protection Risk Assessment – August 2023


To engage in understanding the protection environment inclusively and collaboratively in South Sudan, the Protection Cluster South Sudan (PC) members regularly conduct monitoring activities across the country. These consist of a key informant interview-based Protection Monitoring System and qualitative and quantitative reports.

The PC also conducts ongoing protection analysis of the crisis environment. This takes the form of regular Protection Analysis Updates, including identifying the top protection risks, groups most affected and in which geographical areas, and key human rights affected by protection incidents and risks.

The analytical conclusions from all PC systems provide an evidence base for programming, advocacy, and dialogue for the purpose of influencing behaviors and policies in support of a more favorable protection environment.

To boost its evidence base, the PC conducted a nation-wide, state-level based risk assessment exercise in August 2023 to gather up-to-date understanding of the protection risk environment.