The Secretary-General's Call to Action for Human Rights and Humanitarian Programme Cycle

In 2020, the Secretary-General (SG) launched the Call to Action for Human Rights. The Call to Action (C2A) reiterates that human rights must be at the heart of all UN action, including in times of crisis, and provides momentum to deepen and advance the centrality of protection in practice. The C2A implementation is a UN system-wide responsibility, and the Secretary-General has repeatedly underscored that human rights are the responsibility of each and every UN entity and staff member. The HPC 2022 Facilitation Package highlights the C2A as a key reference point for needs assessments and response planning.

In line with the above, the purpose of this note is to encourage and support country-level efforts to more systematically use and leverage human rights analysis and information as part of the overall protection analysis, including in the HPC process. This first iteration focuses on Protection Cluster Protection Analysis Updates and the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO). It is a living document that will be updated over the coming months by the Global Protection Cluster.1 It is not intended to serve as comprehensive guidance on this topic.